Kylie Pert
Setting the Bar: Leveraging traditional intelligence practices to optimise OSINT
Kylie is a Senior Intelligence Specialist with OSINT Combine’s Training and Tradecraft Team
and is the designer and lead trainer of OSINT Combine’s ‘The Art of Open Source
Intelligence Analysis’ course. Prior to joining the team, Kylie spent over 15 years working in
the Australian Defence Intelligence and Security Communities and has held Senior
Executive roles in Intelligence and Cyber. She has extensive experience in strategic
intelligence, leadership, personnel security, and Government reform. As an analyst, Kylie
worked across multiple target-sets including China and South-East Asia, Counter-Terrorism,
and Counter-People Smuggling. In 2007, she deployed to Iraq and has supported Special
Operations elements in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kylie has a Bachelor of Asian and
International Studies, a Master of International Relations and is a qualified Executive Coach.
In her spare time, Kylie runs a Tourism business with her husband and enjoys travel and
spending time with her young family.